Saturday, July 23, 2011

August 2010

Preparing for class presentation on Sunday.
One class was saying it's been 50 years since they graduated.
Another were all having thier 50th wedding anniversaries.
So we told them we were all having our 50th Birthdays!
Sad but true!!!

It was Larry's Birthday - he doesn't look bad for an old guy!
Your only as old as you feel right, Larry!

Look who we found - Mrs Toman - our 1st grade teacher!!!

Look where our Class picture is - shoved all the way down the hall by the gym door.
I guess that is what 30 years will do to you!

This is a quilt that was made by a bunch of girls in our church class.
 Lisa, Lola and Brenda and other girls like
Shirley & Teresa Sangray, Angie Robbins,
Janene Vance, Deb Feeler,
Rhea Camphouse, Gene Thompson, Renae Burgess,
 Ione Christiansen, Robin Rushton & Diane & Christine Cook.

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